5.Binding together wirh “Mupie”- must run mu_windows(minimizer for MuOnline) 6,Click on „Launch MuOnline”.And wait game to load. Vip gives 10%Exp 10% HP bonuss.1.Choose IP of the server(in my case mu.) 2.„Mu Version” select „Don’t Know” 3.Select directory of „MuOnline(Client)”(i mean “main.exe”) 4.Press button „Launch MuPie”. Vip System: There is VIP system, with one level, VIP is given to everyone who makes any minimum donation from our website. Goblin Points: 1 Point for 10min online, Goblin Shop sells Exp buffs, Pets, Mini Wings/1lvl Wings Vote which items should be added HERE.
3rd class quest, Quest can be done from 50Resets (50 minimum reset entry).After Reset 150 Exp is decreasing 10% Every 10 Resets till 25x Exp
Reset: Stats Burns: Free stats 500, Costs: 1kk*Reset. Reset: 400lvl in website, reward +20Wc +200 RUUD. Server economy is made on ingame drops and player trades! Players can sell their hunted/crafted items in a personal store for Wcoins or In website Market! Ingame drop and hunting is challenging but not hard, the game is made exciting and enjoyable with regular mini bosses/events and spots suitable for each class! MuOnline Season 16 X100 Reset server Opening 11.June! The server is based on true mu online experience, hunting crafting and levelling with the latest Season 16 Features! The server is made in mode Hunt To Win, to get Best gear and Wings ingame player needs to grind/farm bosses events and top maps! Xshop sells only some buffs/pets and some items for mixes. Old server X100 is still online and will stay Online, players who donated on X100, can use all PlayPoints again on X10000 server as well!! Starter gifts: 3Days Skeleton Ring+Skeleton Pet, Deamon and Guardian Angel, and second Wings Box, Fenrir to claim rewards type: /startergift and /letsfly Vip gives 10%Exp 10% HP bonuss, and 600 Points per reset! Elite Monsters Red Icarus/Temple: Wcoins. Elite Monsters Abys Atlans/Canyon: Goblin Points. Sell your game collected items in website to other players: Item Market Offlevel (/offlevel) Dont have time to run pc? Leave character on offlevel and it will level in game 12Hours, offlvel max time 12hours!. Goblin Points: 1 Point for 10min online, Goblin Shop sells Exp buffs, Pets, 2.5LVL, 3LVL Wings. Grand Reset: From 150 resets, Reward: 3000 Wcoins, 100'000 Ruud. Reset: 400lvl in game /reset, reward +20Wc +1000 RUUD. All Experience rate: (Regular/Master/Majestic) 10000x. Opening times at 13.August: or check countdown at website MuOnline Season 16 X10000 Reset server Opening Friday 13.August! The server is based on true mu online experience, hunting crafting and levelling with the latest Season 16 Features! The server is made in mode Hunt To Win, to get Best gear and Wings ingame player needs to grind/farm bosses events and top maps! Xshop sells only some buffs/pets and some items for mixes.įast leveling, ingame reset, Wcoins Rewards, PVP and NOPVP servers!